Translating ================================= Translating BIPES interface is essential to make the project more accessible. Even if you only have an hour here and there to contribute, you can help, every string translated makes a difference. Language availability ------------------------------------------------------- To start our journey as a BIPES translator, check if the language is already available: .. list-table:: Available languages :widths: 5 10 :header-rows: 1 * - ISO 639 format - Language * - en - English * - es - Español * - pt-br - Português Brasileiro If not, feel free to include it in the source code at `ui/core/code.js#L23 `_ and move the language file from `ui/msg/not_used `_ to `ui/msg `_. How to translate ------------------------------------------------------- In the codebase, BIPES uses the global ``MSG`` JavaScript variable (available in every file) to store all strings of the user's preferred language, so you have to just pass the string key as in this example: .. code-block:: javascript function language (button_, panel_) { (this, button_, panel_); this.panel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(MSG['languageTooltip'])); } Where the string key is ``languageTooltip`` and ``MSG['languageTooltip']`` will automatically complete with the user prefered language. Also, like `i18n `_ , we use a JSON like structure to store strings, as seen in this chunk of `ui/msg/pt-br.js `_: .. code-block:: javascript var MSG = { blocks: "Blocos", linkTooltip: "Salvar e ligar aos blocos.", httpRequestError: "Houve um problema com a requisição.", } We are declaring the string key in `camel case `_ and english, followed by it's translation. Thus, to include new translations, just create an string key, concatenating it for each language file inside ``ui/msg``, and use it anywhere in the codebase as ``MSG['myStringKeyHere']``. Also, if the string already exists but was not included in your language, please check `the english translation `_ for coherense. If the file is a HTML file, we fill the field with ``...`` like this: .. code-block:: HTML
and then insert the translation on load: .. code-block:: javascript get('#tab_blocks').title = MSG['blocks'];